In this Hulu Original “cringe comedy, a seemingly happy married couple confronts a test of their marriage when one of them drops a baby while at a destination wedding at a tropical island.” Directed by Sarah Adina Smith, cinematography by Shaheen Seth, executive produced by the Duplass Brothers, starring Anna Konkle & Jermaine Fowler, the film premiered at the Tribeca Festival, June 11, 2022 and debuted on Hulu, January 13, 2023. Trailer.
Completed vfx shots include the namesake ‘drop’. A unique challenge that required months of frame by frame paint work to change the baby drop from a swing motion to a sliding fall motion. Retimed and transformed, the baby falls from the protagonist’s arms with extensive paint extensions of the background and protagonist’s chest, arms, chin, and long flowing hair as her head turns - all without a clean plate of the protagonist not holding the baby.
Other shots include: A 100% CGI crash zoom shot on Air Force One above Terragen rendered clouds personally realized. Wedding cake splatter augmentation via 3d composites from greenscreen shoots using custom baked cakes and an air blow gun. 3D rendered license plate replacement. Numerous screen and building signage replacements, texting graphic design elements and video call effects, muzzle flash, beautification paint-outs including a boom shadow over an actor’s face, digital makeup, etc. plus creative on an octopus/crab fight that was cut early in post-production.
VFX Supervisor/Producer/Artist - Oliver Zeller
Post Producer - Alex Regalado
VFX Artist - Lisa Marie Erickson
VFX Cinematographer - G M D THREE
Adtl. VFX Paint Artist - Richard Blake
Adtl. Matchmove Artist - Matt Merkovich
Adtl. VFX paint work by Rhinestone VFX
Baby Drop - Compositors: Oliver Zeller, Lisa Marie Erickson
Cake Splatter - Compositors: Oliver Zeller, Lisa Marie Erickson. SFX: G M D THREE
Air Force One - 3D CGI/Compositor: Oliver Zeller
Clinic Sign Change - Compositor: Oliver Zeller. Roto/Paint: Rhinestone VFX
License Plate - 3D/Compositors: Oliver Zeller, Lisa M. Erickson. Matchmove: Matt Merkovich.
In this Hulu Original “cringe comedy, a seemingly happy married couple confronts a test of their marriage when one of them drops a baby while at a destination wedding at a tropical island.” Directed by Sarah Adina Smith, cinematography by Shaheen Seth, executive produced by the Duplass Brothers, starring Anna Konkle & Jermaine Fowler, the film premiered at the Tribeca Festival, June 11, 2022 and debuted on Hulu, January 13, 2023. Trailer.
Completed vfx shots include the namesake ‘drop’. A unique challenge that required months of frame by frame paint work to change the baby drop from a swing motion to a sliding fall motion. Retimed and transformed, the baby falls from the protagonist’s arms with extensive paint extensions of the background and protagonist’s chest, arms, chin, and long flowing hair as her head turns - all without a clean plate of the protagonist not holding the baby.
Other shots include: A 100% CGI crash zoom shot on Air Force One above Terragen rendered clouds personally realized. Wedding cake splatter augmentation via 3d composites from greenscreen shoots using custom baked cakes and an air blow gun. 3D rendered license plate replacement. Numerous screen and building signage replacements, texting graphic design elements and video call effects, muzzle flash, beautification paint-outs including a boom shadow over an actor’s face, digital makeup, etc. plus creative on an octopus/crab fight that was cut early in post-production.
VFX Supervisor/Producer/Artist - Oliver Zeller
Post Producer - Alex Regalado
VFX Artist - Lisa Marie Erickson
VFX Cinematographer - G M D THREE
Adtl. VFX Paint Artist - Richard Blake
Adtl. Matchmove Artist - Matt Merkovich
Adtl. VFX paint work by Rhinestone VFX
Baby Drop - Compositors: Oliver Zeller, Lisa Marie Erickson
Cake Splatter - Compositors: Oliver Zeller, Lisa Marie Erickson. SFX: G M D THREE
Air Force One - 3D CGI/Compositor: Oliver Zeller
Clinic Sign Change - Compositor: Oliver Zeller. Roto/Paint: Rhinestone VFX
License Plate - 3D/Compositors: Oliver Zeller, Lisa M. Erickson. Matchmove: Matt Merkovich.