“A troubled man (Oscar, Emmy winner Rami Malek) on the run recalls the mysterious events that brought him to his present fugitive state, in the enigmatic, elliptical and moving second feature from director Sarah Adina Smith."
Oversaw 50 vfx shots and personally composited over three dozen shots. On set for ocean shoot.
Shots included existential fx animations, sign replacement, tv screen inserts, sky replacements & snow addition, feature & crew reflection/shadow removal, security footage treatments, smoke cloud manipulation, localized performance re-timing, etc.
World premiere Toronto International Film Festival 2016. Official selection at Tribeca Film Festival 2017, AFI Festival 2016. Limited theatrical release April 28th, 2017. Available on-demand May 26th, 2017.
VFX Supervisor/Producer/Artist - Oliver Zeller
Roto Artist - Lisa Marie Erickson
Flame Artist - John J. Budion [Shot 9 in VFX Teaser]
Storm Sequence VFX by PFX [Shot 8 in VFX Teaser]
PFX Supervisor - Frantisek Stepanek
Producer - Jiri Mika
Compositor - Tomas Snizek
Matte Painters - Tomas Havelka, Anna Gurjeva
“A troubled man (Oscar, Emmy winner Rami Malek) on the run recalls the mysterious events that brought him to his present fugitive state, in the enigmatic, elliptical and moving second feature from director Sarah Adina Smith."
Oversaw 50 vfx shots and personally composited over three dozen shots. On set for ocean shoot.
Shots included existential fx animations, sign replacement, tv screen inserts, sky replacements & snow addition, feature & crew reflection/shadow removal, security footage treatments, smoke cloud manipulation, localized performance re-timing, etc.
World premiere Toronto International Film Festival 2016. Official selection at Tribeca Film Festival 2017, AFI Festival 2016. Limited theatrical release April 28th, 2017. Available on-demand May 26th, 2017.
VFX Supervisor/Producer/Artist - Oliver Zeller
Roto Artist - Lisa Marie Erickson
Flame Artist - John J. Budion [Shot 9 in VFX Teaser]
Storm Sequence VFX by PFX [Shot 8 in VFX Teaser]
PFX Supervisor - Frantisek Stepanek
Producer - Jiri Mika
Compositor - Tomas Snizek
Matte Painters - Tomas Havelka, Anna Gurjeva